Chichi in the National Geographic

Chichi in the National Geographic

Das Erbe unserer Welt [Heritage of our World]. is in the special edition of the National Geographic magazine – in the German version -‘Das Erbe unserer Welt’ [Heritage of our World]. An arts and cultural heritage magazine. ‘Art of the Dutch Caribbean Islands’. Serena...
The Teaching of the Chichi®

The Teaching of the Chichi®

A Documentary about Chichi®’s, their origin and their creator, Serena Israel. Created by Maxine Russel, Oliver Gomperts and JeanPaul da Silva....
Kidsdispenser drawing contest

Kidsdispenser drawing contest

Kidsdispenser drawing contest March 22nd 2015 Serena was one of the jury members of the Kidsdispenser drawing contest of Bay West. Bay West offered all primary schools free soap dispensers and organized a drawing contest for the design of the dispenser. The proud...
Die Chichi aus Berlin

Die Chichi aus Berlin

“Die Chichi aus Berlin macht dat Paradis bunt” Artikel in der deutschen Zeitung auf Sozialprojekt in der Karibik Download...