Trainee Offer

Trainee Offer

Trainee Offer Take home a nice souvenir of your internship!At Serena’s Art Factory, interns can now join our Walk-in Workshop🎨🖌 for a discounted rate:Small Chichi          50 nafMedium Chichi    140 nafThis is including the workshop fee! Workshops are available...
Mentioned in LISA magazine

Mentioned in LISA magazine

Mentioned in LISA magazine Original German Text: (Translation posted below) Ausgewandert Die eine fand auf der Karibikinsel Curaçao ihr Paradies, die andere erfüllte sich ihren Traum in der Wildnes der Catskill Mountains (USA) – zwei starke Frauen, die in der Ferne in...
Staycation Winner

Staycation Winner

Staycation Winner Last month we closed our Staycation Campaign, during this closure event a festive gathering took place in Sambil Shopping Mall on Tuesday 18 August. At the raffle, Robert Jacobus’s card was drawn; he is the lucky winner of 500 naf to spent in...
Kas Hugenholtz – Sentro pa Demensia

Kas Hugenholtz – Sentro pa Demensia

Yesterday morning we went to Kas Hugenholtz, this is a centrum for people with dementia. They organized a Vacation plan week for their residents. And Chichi was the kick-off of the program.Serena and Ineke guided the group along, we painted smiley faces. We wanna...
“Kòrsou ta Dushi” Staycation Special

“Kòrsou ta Dushi” Staycation Special

On July 1, 2020, the CHATA Attractions Task Force will launch the “Kòrsou ta Dushi” Staycation Special. The intention behind this Staycation Special is to stimulate locals to get a glimpse of what Curaçao has to offer in terms of attractions. Specifically, everyone...
Curaçao Made Website

Curaçao Made Website

You might had to postpone your trip to Curaçao, but you can enjoy our products from the comfort of your home! Cpost international has launched a website last week for Curaçao Artists and local made products. This will give you the chance to order typical Curaçao...