Hello, Chichi®-lovers,
My name is Marves Barbolina. And yes, the spelling is correct; with an “e”. I was born and raised in Curaçao. I spent approximately 7 years in the USA for my Bachelor’s degree in Finance and a Master’s degree in Business Administration. I have been employed as the head of the Treasury for the Finance Department of Curaçao since 2004. I am blessed with two wonderful sons.
I have always appreciated all forms of Arts and I have always loved painting. In my younger years I would spend endless hours doing just that but never considered myself an artist. When I first realized that the Chichi®’s were actually being painted by our local people, I got really excited at the prospect of being a Chichi® painter. I made that one of my resolutions for 2019. And you do not have to be professional painter or artist to qualify as a Chichi painter. And the timing was just right, since I am now an empty nester which meant I would have good use of my free time, doing something that I actually enjoy. So, I signed up in November of 2018 and have been painting Chichi®’s ever since.
I get my inspirations for the most part from pictures, but my goal is to reach that point where I can showcase my own inspirations, my own fantasies. I think what I most enjoy painting is just beautiful patterns of all kinds. I also make sure that with each finished Chichi®, it’s a work of art that I would buy for myself.
So, with the encouragement of my family and friends, here I am, official Chichi® painter, no. 67 as of May 2019!
Let me know how you like my work