Love brought me to dushi Curaçao and love for this lovely island made me stay here for fifteen years now (red 2020).
You often find me and my two sons on one of the beautiful beaches of our island. And if I am not going to the beach or working as a drama teacher, then I’m making or painting something.
When I sit on my porch, lovely in the breeze with the rustling of the trees in the background, I forget everything around me while painting the Chichi’s®. Sometimes the ideas for my designs come during the painting itself, but it can also be a pattern of a fabric, a photo or flowers that inspire me. I always make the Chichi’s® with someone else in mind and that’s why I lovingly leave them with Serena at the factory, hoping they will get a nice spot in someone’s house soon. Where, when that person who bought or received her looks at it, regains the feeling of the moment he or she first saw that Chichi®. A beautiful colorful memory, a sunny smile, that is what I love to make as a painter of Chichi® Curaçao.
Let me know how you like my work