Co-Crea Chichi®
Meet our newest & largest Chichi® yet!
Last month we celebrated our 15th year anniversary. And this Collaboration Chichi® was the highlight of the event!
Celebrating Colors
The Co-Crea Chichi® symbolizes the next era at Serena’s Art Factory. Creating opportunities for colorful collaborations is always at heart of Serena since starting the Chichi® initiative in 2008.
Like Serena loves to state: Michael Angelo did not paint Rome’s Sistine Chapel alone, nor did Jeff Koons build his Balloon Dog with his own hands. Big things and big dreams can only be made true by combining creative people’s skills, passion, and dreams with good leadership. Together we are strong and can make a colorful impact.
Kara Production
The Co-Crea Chichi® is our largest sculpture yet. In collaboration with Giovanni Abath and his team from Kara Production, we worked 1-on-1 on this exceptionally bright new Chichi®.
Crea Design
Berlin-born artist Thea Parthenos has been in the lead of the colorful design of this newest Chichi®. Thea, the free-spirited multimedia artist has been one of Serena’s closes co-creators since she did her first internship at Serena’s Art Factory in 2013. They both wanted to create a meaningful concept while also incorporating the well-known scenery of Curaçao. The concept was first inspired by the Art Nouveau style, which is still visible in the abstract and flowing elements, round shapes and elegant but also powerful structure. The repetition of the arc structures is the main element we focused on, connecting every part and highlight of the island. Symbolizing the bridges and unity we want to see built in our future.