Our painters

#70 Shulaika Petronilia

– born in Curaçao

I am Shulaika Petronilia born in Curaçao. I always liked to look at Chichi®’s in the souvenir shop and thought; I would like to do that too. Who would have thought it would work out and I am now Chichi® painter # 70!

From when I was little, I knew that I could draw. Then I started to paint bit by bit. At home I have created a special corner where I paint Chichi®’s. I get my inspiration from websites, magazines and discuss ideas with family and friends. I am also making time to be creative and try new designs when I am drawing. Preferably I draw flowers.

For me it is a big sensation to hand in my Chichi®’s. Specially to hear the feedback from experienced fellow painters in order to learn more techniques and get inspired with new ideas. It is also exciting which new Chichi®’s I get home to paint for the coming week.

Let me know who you like my work