Breast Cancer Awareness
Punda vibes will be all about breast cancer awareness the 11th of October. There will be a fashion show, specially organized for this event. All of the participants are breast cancer survivors and Chichi® wants to stimulate the help against this horrible disease.
So what can YOU do? Besides being there, which is already amazing, you can do a lot to help the Foundation Sinta Ros.
When you walk past our Chichi® shop, you can already tell that we will be having a lot of beautiful pink and purple Chichis®! You may come to our workshop and paint a pink Chichi® for yourself. 5 guilders of all pink and purple Chichis® will be donated to the foundation Sinta Ros against breast cancer. Hereby you will have your own Curaçao souvenir and you are helping people at the same time!
Do we see you this Thursday?
See you there! Chichi.