2013 Going royal In 2013 King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands came to Curaçao for a royal visit. The elementary school, Marnix, wanted to give them a gift for their visit, so we jumped at the opportunity and decided to donate a custom made royal...


2014 Love Cure After years of being hugged by all her fans, our first large standing Chichi® deserved some extra love. She had only been made with chicken wire, newspaper and a bag of plaster, so to give her more strength, Serena had to fiberglass her completely and...


2015 A Limited Edition Read In 2015 Chichi® was featured in a limited edition German booklet for National Geographic named ‘Das Erbe unserer Welt’ (Heritage of our World), this edition was dedicated to Audrey Hepburn. The title of the article was ‘Art of the Dutch...


2016 Big Big Brother Often it turns out that our clients push us into new directions when it comes to our production. We had previously made small and medium sized Bubu®, but never a large one. One day we received an order that a couple wanted a Bubu® and Chichi® as...


2017 Cultural Fusion By chance Serena was present at the location where Miss Curaçao 2017, Chanelle de Lau, was having a photo shoot. There she decided to take her chance and go introduce herself as Miss Chichi®. These ambassadors for Curaçao immediately connected...