Second Chance rehabilitation project
The Chichi® workshop offers future prospects to detainees
(Text in Papiamento below)
Willemstad – The participants of the Second Chance rehabilitation project have successfully completed the Chichi® workshop. This workshop was provided by Serena’s Art Factory. Afterwards, Serena Israel offered these clients of Sentro di Detenshon i Korekshon Kòrsou (SDKK) the opportunity to sign up as a painter for her Chichi® sculptures.
Project Second Chance is carried out by the Passionistas Foundation in collaboration with SDKK. The men were very happy with the Chichi® workshop and they are very grateful to be able to paint Chichi® sculptures for Serena’s Art Factory with payment in the near future. “Passionistas applauds this initiative! We consider this approach to be a sustainable addition to our project because the detainees are given the opportunity to have a job while awaiting their release from prison,” said president Evita Sanches.
From 2019 to 2020, Serena Israel had also carried out a similar project with SDKK where, after giving the Chichi® workshop, she selected a few talented and motivated clients who painted Chichi’s® for her. One of those painters has been released from prison and has temporarily worked for Serena’s Art Factory. Now he has a good job in the Netherlands.
This project was made possible thanks to Maduro & Curiel’s Bank, Active Chance Foundation, Banco di Caribe, Representation of the Netherlands in Willemstad, Fundashon Bon Intenshon, Curacao Tourist Board, Kolektivo Curacao, VIDeMI Services BV, Qredits Curacao, Guardian Group Dutch Caribbean and Vanshika Dewnani Reetu Khatri for raising individual donations in the Indian community in Curaçao.
Workshop di Chichi® ta brinda detenidonan perspektiva pa futuro
Willemstad – E partisipantenan na e proyekto di resosialisashon ‘Second Chance’ a finalisá e workshop di Chichi® ku éksito. E workshop akí a ser organisá pa Serena’s Art Factory. Na final Serena Israel a ofresé e klientenan akí di Sentro di Detenshon i Korekshon Kòrsou (SDKK) e chèns pa inskribí nan mes komo pintor di su eskulturanan di Chichi®.
Project Second Chance ta ser ehekutá pa Stichting Passionistas den kolaborashon ku SDKK. E hòmbernan tabata mashá kontentu ku e workshop di Chichi® i nan ta hopi gradesido ku den futuro serkano nan por kuminsá pinta eskulturanan di Chichi® pa Serena’s Art Factory kontra pago. “Passionistas ta aploudí e inisiativa akí! Nos ta haña esaki un adishon duradero na nos proyekto, pasobra detenidonan ku ta wardando pa nan sali for di prizòn ta haña e chèns di tin un trabou”, segun presidente Evita Sanches.
Di 2019 te 2020 Serena Israel a hasi un proyekto similar na SDKK kaminda despues di a duna e workshop di Chichi®, el a skohe algun kliente talentoso i motivá pa pinta Chichi® p’e. Un di e pintornan ei mientrastantu a sali for di prizòn i el a traha temporalmente na Serena’s Art Factory. Aworakí e tin un bon trabou na Hulanda.
E proyekto akí a keda realisá danki na Maduro & Curiel’s Bank, Active Chance Foundation, Banco di Caribe, Vertegenwoordiging van Nederland in Willemstad, Fundashon Bon Intenshon, Curaçao Tourist Board, Kolektivo Curaçao, VIDeMI Services B.V, Qredits Curaçao, Guardian Group Dutch Caribbean i Vanshika Dewnani Reetu Khatri kende a rekoudá donashonnan individual den e komunidat di hendenan prosedente di India aki na Kòrsou.